Ultimate Oven Buying Guide

The Ultimate Oven Buying Guide

Welcome to the comprehensive guide on electric ovens! Whether you're a passionate home cook or someone who simply enjoys preparing delicious meals, this guide is here to provide you with valuable insights into the world of electric ovens.

How does an oven fit?

Our single ovens offer the flexibility to be installed either in a column or under the worktop, providing versatile placement options. Our double ovens require installation in a column configuration, ensuring optimal functionality and performance.

Column Ovens


The oven is conveniently positioned inside a column cabinet, offering an enhanced culinary experience. This clever arrangement eliminates the need for bending, allowing effortless manoeuvring of dishes in and out of the oven. This feature is particularly beneficial for handling substantial cookware with ease.

Built-under Ovens

Built Under

The oven is ingeniously integrated beneath the worktop, effortlessly blending in with the surrounding kitchen cabinets for a flawless aesthetic. This clever design ensures a seamless and cohesive appearance, enhancing the overall visual appeal of the kitchen space.

Oven fuel types

Built-in ovens are designed to accommodate different fuel types, providing options to suit various cooking preferences.

Electric Ovens


Electric ovens are widely preferred for their exceptional performance. They excel in distributing heat evenly, guaranteeing consistent and reliable cooking results. Moreover, electric ovens boast precise temperature control, enabling accurate adjustments for achieving optimal cooking conditions. With their ability to maintain precise temperatures, they offer a reliable and consistent cooking experience, making them a popular choice among home chefs.

Gas Ovens


Gas ovens are renowned for their unique advantages in the realm of cooking. They are favoured by many culinary enthusiasts for their immediate and precise heat control. With a simple turn of the dial, gas ovens quickly reach the desired temperature, allowing for efficient preheating and faster cooking times. Additionally, gas ovens offer excellent moisture retention, ensuring that dishes retain their natural juiciness and tenderness. The moist heat generated by gas ovens is particularly beneficial for baking.

Will a double oven fit in a single oven space

white built-in oven installed in a wall unit

In general, a double oven will not fit in a space designed for a single oven. Double ovens typically require more height compared to a single oven. They are designed to be installed in a specific size and configuration to accommodate two separate oven compartments.

If you have a single oven space and you want to install a double oven, you would typically need to make modifications to the cabinet or surrounding area to accommodate the larger size. This may involve expanding the cabinet opening, adjusting the electrical or gas connections, and ensuring proper ventilation.

It's always recommended to consult the installation instructions and specifications provided by the manufacturer of the double oven you're considering, as they will have specific requirements and guidelines for installation. Additionally, you may want to consult with a professional installer or contractor to assess the feasibility and potential modifications required for installing a double oven in your particular space.

How long should an oven last

white built-in oven installed in a wall unit with door open

The lifespan of an oven can vary depending on various factors such as the brand, quality of construction, usage patterns, and maintenance. However, on average, a well-maintained oven can last between 10 to 15 years. Some high-end models or professional-grade ovens may have a longer lifespan.

It's important to note that the lifespan can be influenced by how frequently the oven is used, the type of cooking done, and how well it is maintained. Ovens that are heavily used or subjected to high-temperature cooking, such as broiling or baking at very high temperatures, may experience more wear and tear and have a shorter lifespan.

Regular maintenance, such as cleaning the oven regularly, avoiding excessive spills or build-up, and addressing any issues promptly, can help extend its lifespan. Following the manufacturer's guidelines for maintenance and care, such as replacing worn-out parts, can also contribute to the longevity of the oven.

Ultimately, if you notice significant performance issues, frequent breakdowns, or signs of deterioration in your oven, it may be time to consider replacing it, even if it has not reached the average lifespan.

If you are interested in tips on increasing the lifespan of your oven, check out our guide

Which oven is best for me

black built-in oven installed in a wall unit

When it comes to choosing the best oven for your needs, several factors should be taken into consideration. Firstly, you'll need to determine the type of oven that suits you best. Gas ovens offer precise temperature control and are popular among professional cooks. On the other hand, electric ovens provide even heating and are generally easier to clean.

Next, consider the size and capacity of the oven. Evaluate the available space in your kitchen and choose an oven that fits accordingly. It's important to think about the number of people you typically cook for and the types of dishes you prepare. Make sure the oven's interior capacity is sufficient for your cooking requirements.

Take a look at the cooking features offered by different ovens. These can include convection cooking, steam cooking, self-cleaning functions, and programmable settings. Determine which features are important to you and align well with your cooking style.

Energy efficiency is another important aspect to consider. Look for ovens with high energy efficiency ratings to reduce energy consumption and lower utility costs. Energy-efficient models often incorporate features like insulation and convection technology to optimise cooking performance while minimizing energy usage.

black built-in oven installed in a wall unit with door open

Establishing your budget range is crucial. Consider not only the initial purchase cost but also the long-term operational costs, such as energy consumption and maintenance. Determine how much you are willing to spend and explore ovens within that price range.

Research reputable oven brands known for their quality, reliability, and customer satisfaction. Reading reviews, seeking recommendations, and considering warranty and customer support options can help you make an informed decision.

Don't forget to think about the design and aesthetics of the oven. Consider the overall look and feel of your kitchen and select an oven that matches your desired style. Decide whether you prefer a freestanding oven or a built-in wall oven that integrates seamlessly with your cabinetry.

By considering these factors and doing some research, you can find an oven that meets your cooking needs, fits your space, and aligns with your preferences and budget.

Are single ovens a standard size

single built-in oven under counter stainless steel

Most single ovens will fit in a standard single oven housing. The typical width of a single oven is approximately 59.5cm, while the standard height of the oven is also around 59.5cm.

Single ovens vary in depth, so it's important to allocate additional space for any gas pipes if you have them.

Do single ovens have a grill

grill element heating inside an oven

No, not all ovens have a grill. The availability of a grill feature in an oven depends on the specific model and type of oven. While most ovens are designed with a built-in grill or broiler element, there are also ovens that are solely focused on baking and do not include a grill function. It is important to check the specifications or features of a particular oven model to determine if it includes a grill.

All of our single electric ovens come with a grill included.

Do single ovens come with a plug

Single oven 3 pin plug

No, single ovens do not always come with a plug attached. Instead, they are designed to be hardwired or connected directly to an electrical junction box. This is because some single ovens require a higher voltage and amperage than a standard electrical outlet can provide.

If you are interested in purchasing a single oven with a plug we have a variety of models available.

Can 2 single ovens be stacked

2 single ovens in wall unit side by side

No, it is not recommended to stack two single ovens on top of each other. Single ovens are designed to be standalone units and are not intended to be stacked vertically.

Stacking ovens can create safety hazards and may interfere with proper ventilation and heat dissipation, potentially leading to overheating and damage to the ovens. Additionally, stacking ovens can void the warranties provided by the manufacturers.

If you require multiple ovens in a limited space, it is advisable to consider other options such as installing a double oven unit or selecting a combination of different types of ovens, such as a single oven and a microwave oven, that can be placed side by side. It is important to consult the manufacturer's specifications and guidelines to ensure proper installation and safe operation of the appliances.

Are all single ovens the same size

white single oven in a wall unit

No, single ovens are not all the same size. While there are common dimensions that many single ovens adhere to, there can be variations in size among different models and brands.

Width and height are standard across most models. You only need to measure the depth of your space, especially if you have any obstructions at the back of the oven housing such as gas pipes.

Frequently asked questions